BSMET students secure 2nd Place in IP Quiz Bowl Competition
By USTP Jasaan CAS Faculty
The Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering Technology (BSMET) of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) Jasaan participated in the Intellectual Property Quiz Bowl Competition on April 26, 2023, at the USTP Cagayan de Oro. BSMET placed second in the said competition.

The BSMET program showed off their intelligence and hard work at the recent Intellectual Property Quiz Bowl competition, where a team of bright people did something amazing. Even though there was a lot of competition from other USTP campuses, the USTP Jasaan BSMET students showed that they knew and understood intellectual property rights better than anyone else. This earned them a well-deserved second place in the competition.

The BSMET team is composed of Ms. Mariefe P. Salcedo (3rd year) and Ms. Joylyn C. Librando (4th year), under the guidance of their faculty advisers, Engr. Brian D. Genon and Engr. Mikel M. Acma. The team spent months preparing for the said competition.

The success of the BSMET students in the competition serves as an inspiration to the entire USTP Jasaan. It highlights the exceptional caliber of students within the BSMET program and underscores the importance of intellectual property education in today’s innovation-driven world.

The BSMET students’ achievement may inspire future participants and strengthen the university’s commitment to excellence in education. The Intellectual Property Quiz Bowl Competition again fosters intellectual curiosity and raises knowledge of intellectual property rights among prospective engineers and technologists.

The annual observance of the World IP Day on April 26, 2023, functions as a global platform to recognize and highlight the importance of intellectual property (IP) rights in fostering innovation, creativity, and economic growth.

Writers: Mary C. Javier, Glenda A. Colalo, Neil John C. Baang, Donald Dela Cruz & Weneil Sabuero