Campaign in Action: USTP CDO unveils Clean Campus Campaign and New Hub for Productivity
By Jewel Daguinotas, USTP CDO SHS (STRATCOMM work immersion)
The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines Cagayan de Oro (USTP CDO) kicked off the Clean Campus Campaign on April 24, 2024, at the Alumni Street, USTP CDO grounds. The new movement aims to empower students to take an active role in maintaining cleanliness inside the university.

Transcending to New Culture
To transcend this new culture of cleanliness, the OSA assigned each college council to keep its designated areas clean. The council maintaining the cleanest area throughout the academic year will receive a cash prize. The prize will be given during the Year End Student Activity. The assignments include:
- Student Council of Engineering and Architecture (SCEA) – Engineering Complex Building, Cafeteria, Old CEA building
- Student Council of Information Technology and Computing (SCITC) – Old ITB Building, ICT Building, Administration Building
- Student Council of Science and Technology Teaching (SCSTE) – USTP Gymnasium, Senior High School Building, Food Innovation Complex (FIC), LRC Building, ICET Building
- Student Council of Technology (SCT) – Technology Building, FabLab, up until Old CSTE Building
- Student Council of Science and Mathematics (SCSM) – Science Complex and Ground, All Science Building up until newly built Health Clinic
- All five (5) Student Councils – Sports Complex

Furthermore, the Pollution Control Office and the Committee of Sustainable Development Goals will conduct a series of talks and seminars regarding waste management and segregation, in line with the campaign’s implementation, and seminars for students to strengthen values formation.
The OSA will strictly enforce the anti-littering policy according to Chapter V Article II Section II of the University Student Handbook, which is included in the Non-Academic Less Grave Offenses. The first offense will result in community service, the second in suspension, and the third in expulsion.
“I hope this is more than just a campaign but an action towards a better environment,” a female freshman Chemistry student shared. She also hopes that all students, not just university student leaders, will embody the purpose of the campaign.

“Clean Campus Campaign is not just a ceremony, but this is a campaign in action,” Mr. Floreto Quinito Jr., Director of the USTP CDO OSA, proudly said during his message of support. Also present who shared their message of support were Atty. Dionel O. Albina, Chancellor of USTP CDO; Dr. Jocelyn B. Barbosa, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Engr. Erich P. Abad, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Services; Ms. Nivea Louwah Sermona, President of the USTP CDO Faculty and Support Personnel Association (FASPA); Mr. Karl Dominic Fajardo, Vice President of the USTP Alumni Federation, and Ms. Kathleen May Paid, President of the University Student Government (USG) CDO.
New Hub for Productivity
The event also unveiled the Student Shed, which provides students with a communal space for their academic endeavors. The student councils, including SCEA, SCITC, SCSM, USS, and USG, displayed booths representing their organization to support the premiere.
Atty. Albina led the ribbon-cutting, along with the deans of each college, Dr. Ruvel J. Cuasito (COT), Dr. Israel A. Baguhin (CEA), Dr. Junar A. Landicho (CITC), Dr. Grace S. Pimentel (CSTE), and Dr. Elmer C. Castillano (CSM), and other USTP CDO officials. In his speech, Atty. Albina shared that three (3) more study sheds will be constructed for each college upon approval of the proposal.
“Thankful kaayo mi na naay study shed karon kay naa na gyud mi space for studying,” a student from CITC shared.

A Campaign in Action
The event drew to a close with Dr. Elmer C. Castillano’s powerful closing remarks. He urged the university community to embrace the new campaign and make it a part of their daily lives. Quoting Lao Tzu, he reminded everyone of the power of their thoughts, words, actions, habits, and character and how they shape their destiny. This call to action fosters a sense of unity and shared responsibility among the university community.