The Library is composed of four (4) units namely; Main Library, Graduate library, Technology and Engineering Library and Electronic Library. The library Services provides linkages and materials; books, and E-books to aide academic learning of the USTP community.
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
The Library has an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) that provides an online bibliography of the library collection available to the library users. Through the OPAC, books can be located in the library. It lists the number of the items available on the subject and whether these are in the library or out on loan, and their corresponding call number.
Readers Services Section
This section includes the Circulation, Reference, Reserve and Periodical Filipiniana, and Special Collections materials which consist of books on the different subject areas that can be borrowed for home reading use and for inside reading only.
The section is concerned with facilitating access to print materials, providing information on all subject areas, conducting orientation and lectures on the use of library resources thereby providing formal and informal education to all types of library patrons and supplementing other needs for information by compiling basic lists, indexes, bibliographies, pathfinders and subject guides.
The borrowing of library materials by students and faculty is provided through a computerized circulation system.
Circulation Section
Books in this section may be charge out to eligible borrowers of the university. These include bona fide students and permanent employee through presentation of identification card. Borrowing privileges is shown below:
Type of Borrower
Number of Book
Loaning Period
Renewal Period
7 Days
7 Days
Permanent Faculty
1 Semester
1 Semester
Permanent Staff
7 Days
7 Days
Any library user who fails to return the library materials on time will be charged with a fee of P5.00 per day. All library materials should be returned promptly.
Reserved books
These are books required for course readings that are placed on reserve at the request of a faculty member. This may contain permanent or temporary collection. Permanent collections are those that are placed by the faculty members that were taken from the library collection. Temporary collections are books or photocopies of books owned by the faculty which will be used as supplementary reading materials to support the course or program handled by the faculty members for a particular term or semester.
Books have to be read-only inside the library except those loaned for overnight and weekend use. No more than two (2) books may be borrowed at one time. Loaning time for overnight use is from 5:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m and must be returned at 9:00 a.m. of the following day. Weekend loaning is from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m of Saturday and must be returned by 9:00 a.m. of Monday. A lone copy of the book cannot be loaned out for overnight use.
Any library user who fails to return the library materials on time will be charged Php 5.00 per hour.
Reference Section
Reference books that contain brief and concise information like, dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, almanacs, directories, atlases, gazetteers, manuals and handbooks are provided in this section. In this section reference staffs are available to answer reference questions, serve as research consultants and provide class and individual library instruction. Library materials in both the reserve and reference section do not circulate. A “Take Out” slip shall be filled up when photocopying of library materials.
Materials brought out for photocopy should be returned after 1 hour.
Filipiniana Section
This section is a repository publication dealing with the Philippines in whatever langauge they may be written and place where they may have been printed. This also includes materials publsihed by Filipinos encomposing any subject regardless of the imprint of the publication.
Periodical Section
This section provides current issues and volumes of general and professional journals, magazines and newspapers, annuals (such as reports, yearbooks, and directories), memoirs, proceedings, transactions of societies, and monographic series. It also includes flyers, brochures, phamplets and other ephemeral materials. Collections in this section are for room use only.
No library material may be taken out of the workroom until the processing procedures have been completed or its take-out has been duly approved by the Technical Services Librarian.
Unauthorized withdrawal of library materials from the workroom shall be met with penalties.
Audio-Visual Services
There are three (3) Audio Visual rooms that are available to cater the audio-visual needs of the USTP community. These are the following: Audio Visual Room 1 (Ground Floor, ITB Phase-2), Audio Visual Room 2 (4th Floor, ICT Building), Audio Visual Room 3(6th Floor, Engineering Complex). Audio Visual Rooms welcomes various event on First come, first served basis.
Steps on Audio Visual Reservation:
- Check vacancy of Audio-Visual Room
- Get and fill-in reservation form from the Audio Visual In-charge in the Main Library
- Endorsed/Signed by Department head or instructor
- Return completed reservation form at the Main Library
- Claim stub will be given by the Audio-Visual In-charge to the reservee. Claim stub will be presented at the Audio-Visual Room In-charge upon using the room.
Audio-Visual Materials
The purpose of the Audio/Visual Collection is to support the instruction and research needs of University faculty and students. The A/V collection includes audio compact discs, video disc, DVD and more formats.
Policies and Guidelines
- Audio-visual materials are for library and classroom instruction use only.
- Students may also avail of the audio-visual materials upon presenting a recommendation or note from their respective instructors to the library staff in-charge, subject to the approval of the Director of Library Services.
- The endorsing officer and the borrower assume full responsibility for whatever damage incurred during the use of the materials.
- The borrowers must leave their USTP I.D. upon borrowing and sign the card attached to the library materials.
All borrowed A/V materials must be returned immediately after use.
Non-USTP Library User / ALINET
Visitors (Non-USTP) Library Users
The USTP Library is open to the general public. Here are the most important things you need to know about using our library as a guest:
A visitor is any individual who does not possess a currently valid USTP-ID card. USTP alumni obtaining an Alumni ID is accepted for entrance to the libraries and free of charge. Please note that holders of alumni ID cards may be asked to present a currently valid photo ID card.
All visitors must present a currently valid photo identification card to the Library Security Services In-Charge upon entrance. At this time all visitors will sign into the assigned logbook for guests.
USTP Library does not allow visitors to access the internet in the E-Library considering the number of computer units available. However, bonafide students and faculty members from other USTP campuses have the privileged to access the services in the E-Library.
Visitors and guests may use printed materials in the libraries and are allowed to borrow books for photocopying purposes only.
Visitors from other USTP Campuses who possesses USTP ID are free of charge. ALINET (Academic Libraries Information Network in Mindanao, Inc.). Users with Library Permit must pay Php 20.00 per use. For other guests or outside library users without an ALINET Permit they are required to pay Php 50.00 at the Cashier’s Office. The Official receipt for the payment shall be presented to the Library Staff in order to gain access to the library’s resources.