CHED 10 Sikap orients USTP Claveria Grant Management Team for Sikap applications
By Dr. Eric Randy R. Politud, Dean for the College of Agriculture, USTP Claveria
Ms. Gina G. Macabaya and Ms. Jennelyn Demitila, Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Region 10 focal persons for the Scholarships for Instructors’ Knowledge Advancement Program (SIKAP), visited USTP Claveria on July 7, 2022, to orient the campus’ Grant Management Team on the SIKAP application flow and requirements for incoming applicants for the 1st semester, AY 2022-2023.

Dr. Eric Randy R. Politud, Dean for the College of Agriculture, and Graduate Program Coordinator, Dr. Renante D. Taylaran, composing the Grant Management Team of USTP Claveria, were meticulously oriented on the flow and the various documentary requirements for SIKAP applications by incoming applicants.

Eligible to apply soon are the ongoing and incoming students who wish to enroll in the following programs at USTP Claveria in the coming first semester: MS in Agriculture, PhD in Animal Science, and PhD in Crop Science.

Staff working in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and who are graduates of Agriculture may also qualify to apply. Scholarships may be granted on a full or part-time basis. Applications will be submitted and processed at the College of Agriculture through its Grant Management Office. Benefits, schedule of acceptance of applications, and other details will also come from the Grant Management Office.

With USTP Claveria being identified by CHED as a Center of Development for Agriculture, it has now enjoyed being the Delivering Higher Education Institution (DHEI) of the SIKAP Scholarship for the graduate programs of the College of Agriculture.