CHED-X RQAT conducts ocular inspection of USTP Claveria BSHM
By Carlos Ian H. Mendoza, USTP Claveria STRATCOMM
The College of Engineering and Technology (CET) of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) Claveria in Misamis Oriental is currently applying to acquire the Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) for the higher education program Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM).

The COPC is awarded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to recognize that a specific degree program being offered by an SUC is fully compliant with the commission’s policies, standards, and guidelines. The certificate ensures the Commission that students are afforded with quality higher education.

To check the said program’s status, officials from the CHED-Regional Quality Assessment Team (CHED–RQAT) conducted an ocular inspection on May 27, 2022. The CHED-RQAT was composed of Prof. Ainnie M. Gangco, Mr. Christopher M. Garcia, Jr., and Mr. Daryl Glenn B. Pamplona, Chairman of the RQAT evaluators.

Dr. Maribel S. Tizo, Dean of the College of Engineering and Technology of USTP Claveria headed the key university officials, faculty members, and personnel in informing the RQAT on the university’s current and future activities, particularly for the BSHM program.
The COPC for the BSHM program shall be considered as another milestone for the USTP Claveria.