The Bachelor of Technology in Horticulture Management (BTHM) program is a four-year technology course aimed at molding and preparing students to become professionals, technologists and entrepreneurs, specializing in horticultural crops, and environmental horticulture. It prepares graduates to be equipped with the basic concepts, principles, and applications of horticultural crops production.

Program Educational Objectives
After three to five (3-5) years, graduates of Bachelor of Technology in Horticultural Management (BTHM) are:
- Demonstrate competence and capabilities in performing horticulture-related, technology-based innovations, researches and extension activities to attain optimum productivity and profit; ( specialized discipline, innovation, sustainability)
- Communicate proficiently in line with his/her field of expertise; (communication)
- Manifest right attitudes and values to collaborate effectively with others in consideration to ecologically-friendly, culturally-sensitive, socially-just and economically-viable behaviors (collaboration, diversity);

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Technology in Horticulture Management program, graduates can:
- Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice (PQF level 6 descriptor);
- Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;
- Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
(PQF level 6 descriptor);
- Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibilities;
- Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722);
- Generate and share knowledge relevant to specific fields in the study of agriculture;
- Formulate and implement of agricultural developments plans and programs;
- Apply scientific method in the conduct of research activities to address pressing industry problems;
- Summarize the concepts of horticultural productivity and sustainability in the context of national, regional, and global developments;
- Engage in horticultural production and post-production activities;
- Promote sound horticultural technologies to various clients and in the manpower development;
- Adopt strategies in climate-resilient horticultural production systems that will address hunger and alleviate poverty.
- Demonstrate the necessary skills to thrive in the world of work responsive to the industry needs.
BTHM graduates can be self-employed as entrepreneurs or employed in private firms, government agencies, people’s organizations, non-government organizations, research firms and many other related establishments here in the Philippines and abroad. Horticulture offers a wide array of opportunities for individuals who are knowledgeable and skillful in the field.
They could either be:
- Commercial grower
- Project Managers
- Researcher
- Academicians/Teachers
- Consultants
- Plant breeders/Plant propagators
- Landscapers
- Community organizers
- Food Processors
- Research and Extension Workers
- Floral Arrangers
Work in Bank and Finance

In the BSA curriculum, students will not only be immersed on science-based curriculum but also in technology-based through several platforms of practical learning in agriculture. In the junior year, students will be exposed to On the Job Training (OJT) to various Research and Production projects of the University. Thus, giving them a feel of both the research and production dimensions of their would-be profession. Being a science-curriculum, students are fully exposed to undergo individual or group researches based on their respective area of specialization during their senior year, culminating with a thesis project or manuscript. Similarly, aggie students who take teaching as their calling by majoring Agricultural Education will be equipped of the pedagogy and andragogy of mentoring through their very competent professors. Hence, job opportunities such as becoming a Senior High School teacher in the K-12 programs of the Department of Education just beckon in the corner.