CyberBayanihan 3.0 empowers USTP Alubijid Educators
By Engr. Wilfred Clark J. Sevilla, USTP Alubijid Cybersecurity Department Head
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) Alubijid participated in the CyberBayanihan 3.0: Safeguarding Tomorrow’s Mind, organized by Synetcom Philippines on March 14, 2024, at the Limketkai Luxe Hotel. Engr. Wilfred Clark J. Sevilla, Head of the Cybersecurity Department, and Engr. Jasper Jay A. Jementiza, Head of the Computer Engineering Department, represented the university.

The event was dedicated to the exploration of the latest cybersecurity solutions, innovative prevention and mitigation strategies, and the cultivation of a collective commitment to ensure a safe and secure academic environment for the pursuit of knowledge.

Both educators had a day filled with informative collaboration. They explored advanced cybersecurity threats, engaged in productive discussions about cutting-edge solutions and designs, and collectively worked towards creating a secure academic environment.