By Diane Therese C. Esmade, USTP System STRATCOMM

Environmental Talk: LISTEN TO THE PLANET
The Department of Environmental Science and Technology (DEST) of USTP Cagayan de Oro held a webinar entitled Environmental Talk (E-Talk) LISTEN TO THE PLANET with the theme Advancing Environmental Initiatives through Science and Technology: Realizing the Emerging Significance of Research to Catalyze Environmental Conservation on October 20, 2021, through Zoom Meetings.
The E-Talk gathered experts in the field to provide and discuss relevant topics on natural resource management, environmental management technologies as well as pressing environmental issues and their solutions. It was also an avenue for students to gain insights and a deeper understanding of the importance of research to environmental conservation.
The resource speakers were Dr. Venecio U. Ultra Jr., a Balik Scientist, and a professor at Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Dr. Glen Martin Green, a Professor at the University of San Carlos, and Ms. Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe, MSC, a faculty member of the DEST of USTP Cagayan de Oro.
Topics on Strategies of Heavy Metal Pollution Mitigation in Agricultural Soils Influenced by Mining Activities, Current Threats to Humanity and How We Got Here, and Plastic Waste Problem in the Coastal Marine Environment were discussed thoroughly.

Open forum facilitator Ms. Joan Arnaiz (upper left) together with the resource speakers Ms. Van Ryan Kristopher R. Galarpe (upper right), Dr. Glen Martin Green (lower left) and Dr. Venecio U. Ultra (lower right).