By Diane Therese C. Esmade, USTP System STRATCOMM

USTP System President Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura II meet Barangay Officials from Lumbia to discuss the establishment of a new campus.
Barangay officials from Lumbia in Cagayan de Oro were in full force during the campus visit to University System President Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura II at the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines in Cagayan de Oro last September 9, 2021.
The contingent is led by Barangay Chairman Alexander V. Torralba and other officials. Last April 26, Barangay Lumbia passed a resolution asking Cagayan de Oro 1st District Representative Rolando “Klarex” Uy to sponsor a bill in the House of Representatives for an additional campus of USTP in their barangay.
House Bill 9653 sponsored by Representative Uy aims to establish a campus of USTP in Barangay Lumbia. The bill was approved by the Committee on Higher and Technical Education in the House of Representatives last August 24, 2021, and is subject to deliberation before it becomes law.

and updates for the proposed USTP Lumbia.
Dr. Cultura expressed the University’s full support to the barangay officials. USTP is more than happy to make education accessible for all. Both parties also made updates and discussed plans for the establishment of the campus.
Lumbia is twelve (12) kilometers away from the campus of USTP Cagayan de Oro and is the center of twelve (12) hinterland barangays. It also has twenty-four (24) subdivisions and has its share of brisk development as regional government offices, including local ones, are relocating to the area.
USTP plans to initially offer courses in Agriculture Entrepreneurship and Bachelor of Science in Information System including short-term technical and vocational courses. Students from the hinterland barangays, especially the indigenous people living in the area can benefit from the quality education the University offers with the establishment of the campus.