RSPOT Solutions, Inc. conducts Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) seminar at USTP CDO
By Diane Therese C. Esmade, USTP System STRATCOMM
In collaboration with RSPOT Solutions, Inc., the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) hosted a seminar on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) last August 26, 2022, at the College of Technology Building, USTP Cagayan de Oro Campus.

Sensors and chipset from RSPOT Solutions, Inc.
The seminar highlights include the release of an upgraded industrial IoT Platform that will cover solutions for industrial applications of SMART Data Centers (EMS), SMART Cities/Villages, SMART Transportation, and other related fields. It also highlighted the Launching of the RIoT Educational version.
One of the struggles of students nowadays is to find devices, sensors, and chips needed for their projects. USTP will be the pioneer school that will benefit from the IoT devices created by RSPOT, which are custom-made for the students’ IoT needs.
The seminar also tackled the emerging technologies in IIoT related to the design and implementation of high-value asset tracking, proactive flooding detection, fire, and early warning systems.
IoT devices are embedded with sensors, chips, and other tools. The concept of IoT is used in various sectors and the emergence of IoT devices reduces the workload of humans, making our lives easier.
The USTP invited industry partners to benchmark and provide an avenue for possible collaborations between the industry and the academe. These industry partners include the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), Roads and Traffic Administration (RTA), Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Department (CDRRMD), Xavier Heights Home-Owners’ Association (XHHOA), PARASAT, and Data World attended the seminar.

Participants of the Seminar on Industrial Internet of Things
RSPOT Solutions, Inc. is one of USTP’s key industry partners involved in the first SMART Campus of USTP.
With the emergence of IoT and digital transformation, IoT can bring positive and significant changes for safety, health, business operations, and so much more.