SALIDA features student works of USTP Claveria
By Carlos Ian H. Mendoza & Aire Jade L. Taga, USTP Claveria STRATCOMM
On April 20, 2023, students from the various colleges of USTP Claveria gathered at the University Function Hall to watch “SALIDA,” the university’s first-ever short film festival, which featured works by its college students.

Organized by the University Student Government (USG) of the said campus, the event hopes to raise awareness and promote solutions to a variety of social issues, including poverty, discrimination, gender inequality, environmental degradation, and others.

According to Mr. Philip Andrew T. Asis, USG President of USTP Claveria, the short film festival also gave a voice to the underrepresented voices and communities who are frequently ignored or silenced by mainstream media. Through the festival, their voices are amplified and the issues that would have gone unnoticed would be brought to attention.

“We believe that this event is consistent with the university’s values and mission of encouraging social responsibility and community involvement. Furthermore, it is a fantastic opportunity for students to participate in meaningful activities that can have a good impact in their communities,” the USG President added.

“Creating a film is an incredible experience. But it is very different from sitting in a theater with people watching and reacting to what you have created.” Mr. Ricardo Quimada, one of the judges for the said festival, shared in an interview. “This will also be an incredible opportunity for the students’ films to be shown, as well as for the community to enjoy some amazing films,” he added.
Here are the results of SALIDA 2023:
- Champion – LABAY
- 2nd Place – MELANCHOLIA
- 3rd Place – FAVORABLE
Minor Honors were also awarded to the following:
- Best Plot Line – LABAY
- Best Actor – Marc Lorenz Estenzo (as Angelyn’s Best Friend)
- Best Supporting Actor – Norman Carl Luardo (as Angelyn’s Father)
- Outstanding Cinematography – MELANCHOLIA
- Poster of the Year – MELANCHOLIA
- Popularity Prize – MELANCHOLIA
The event lasted for two (2) days and served as a terrific arena for students with filmmaking talent to develop their skills.