Team ISCOE secures 2nd spot in INNOVAR Research Pitching Competition at SUCs Fair 2024

By Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology

The Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (CET) 2024 incubatees, Team ISCOE – Igniting Sustainability: Cooking Oil to Energy, emerged victorious by securing 2nd place in the INNOVAR Research Pitching Competition (Student Category) at the State University Colleges Pitching Competition, SUCs Fair 2024.

The team is composed of the following third-year Mechanical Engineering students: Alyssa Mae S. Tabas, Richie Jan J. Gullem, Katrina Mae S. Rais, and Jasper V. Acierto.

The team was coached by their Tech101 instructor, Mr. Jirby M. Laniton. The nationwide event was organized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in partnership with Western Mindanao State University.

Congratulations, Team ISCOE! Your innovative approach to transforming used cooking oil into sustainable energy solutions is a testament to ingenuity and environmental consciousness. Your hard work, dedication, and visionary ideas have earned you this well-deserved recognition and showcased the immense potential of sustainable technologies.

Kudos to the entire team for your outstanding achievement! Your success is an inspiration to all aspiring technopreneurs and innovators!