USTP Alubijid faculty members attend APSCE SIG Community Building
By Dr. May Marie Talandron-Felipe, BSCS Chairperson, USTP Alubijid
USTP Alubijid Department of Computer Science (CS) and Department of Computer Engineering (CpE) faculty participated in the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Artificial Intelligence in Education/Intelligent Tutoring Systems/Adaptive Learning (AIED/ITS/AL) Community Building (CB) Session last November 30, 2022.

The event was organized by the SIG Chair, Dr. May Marie P. Talandron-Felipe, also the Chair of the USTP Alubijid Department of Computer Science. The CB session of SIGs is part of the annual International Conference on Computers in Education, a Scopus-indexed conference by APSCE.
This year, the session included a brief introduction about the SIG, a talk by Prof. Ryan Baker on MOOC Replication Framework (MORF), including a high-level discussion of data resources available for research, a high-level summary of the MORF platform’s goals, a review of how MORF has been used, technical capabilities needed to use MORF, a demo of MORF, and how to get involved in using MORF for research. Researchers from various universities in the Asia-Pacific attended the CB.

Earlier that same day, Dr. Talandron-Felipe also attended the SIG Leaders’ Meeting with SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs to discuss plans and activities for 2023.