USTP Alubijid holds Women Empowerment activity
By Sarah Kaye C. Visande, USTP Alubijid Guidance Counselor
In line with the annual National Women’s Month celebration, the Guidance Services Unit of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) conducted a webinar titled “KasamaAll: WE for Gender Equality & Inclusive Society” for the USTP Alubijid students, faculty, and staff. The webinar was held last March 31, 2023, via Zoom and Facebook Live, and was attended by 71 participants.

The webinar featured lectures from Dr. Lory Liza D. Bulay-og, the Acting Campus Director of USTP Alubijid, and from two Guidance Counselors, Ms. Kristine Camille Macesar and Mr. Ralph Vendel Musni, who delivered talks the following talks: Showing the Beauty of Women’s Strengths; KITA: Inspired and Empowered; and WE for Gender Equality.

The participants considered the webinar a successful and meaningful event having an average rating of 3.31 (Very Satisfactory) out of 4.

Here are some noteworthy comments gathered from the event’s participants:
“I learned a lot this afternoon about how it is important to be empowered”
“I just want to thank all the people behind this activity for sharing their thoughts and knowledge”
“The Webinar was successfully done and well-planned. It was very informative as well and offered lots of knowledge and experiences. It was an excellent session”
“It gave me great courage to fight for what is right for me or for everyone, especially as a woman, and be proud to be a woman”