USTP Alubijid launches Campus Director’s Scholarship Grant
By Ennah Shammah P. Panolino, USTP Alubijid Admission Officer
On November 22, 2023, the Office of the Campus Director of the USTP Main Campus – Alubijid, together with its Office of Admission and Scholarship, signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the recipients of the Campus Director’s Scholarship Grant. The signing took place at the Accreditation Office of the USTP Cagayan de Oro.
The scholarship grant is part of the USTP Alubijid’s initiative to assist financially struggling but deserving students in obtaining quality tertiary education through a scholarship program.

Three students from the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program were identified after a thorough evaluation and assessment administered by the Scholarship and Student Affairs and Services Units of the campus. They will each receive monthly stipends to aid their transportation and daily allowances, which will continue until the completion of their undergraduate studies.