USTP Charter Day exhibits catch eyes of Government Officials
By Melissa Agawin, SPME Technical Writer

Photo by Melissa Agawin, SPME Technical Writer
Executive government officials and students flock to visit the Innovation, Research & Campus Exhibits during the 6th Charter Day Celebration of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP). With the theme “USTP: Reframing the Future,” the exhibit aimed to give the community a glimpse into the creative and ingenious works of USTP researchers and innovators. The exhibit was held from August 16-17, 2022, at the Dr. Ricardo E. Rotoras (DRER) Memorial Hall.
Three particular exhibits caught the interest of officials, namely the sustainable Black Soldier Fly for use in waste management, the demonstration of the new NTC-Edge, and a presentation on ATLAS, an Artificial Intelligence program for efficient traffic management.
Such executive visitation symbolizes a new feat, as heads of university research teams had also been able to collaborate with the legislative branches of local government units. The executive government officials in attendance were City Administrator, Atty. Hilario Roy Raagas; City Consultant APO, Mr. Edwin I. Dael; Former City Councilor and current consultant SWM, Mr. Enrico Salcedo; Roads and Traffic Administration (RTA) Overseer, Mr. Oscar Salcedo; RTA Head Traffic Engineering, Engr. Sherwin Cabactulan; Associate of Research and Innovation Division EWTPM, Mr. Roy Dablu; WCD Division Head of the City Local Environment and Natural Resources Office (CLENRO), Edgardo J. Naguio; and Ms. Angelie Joy S. Dael, WCD Sect. Head of CLENRO.
The University was also represented by USTP System President, Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura II; Vice President for Research and Innovation, Dr. Ruel R. Cabahug; Director for Research Centers, Dr. Greg M. Cubio; System Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation Director, Ms. Maria Consuelo R. Del Castillo; Engr. Temoteo L. Chavez, CPA, MGM, Research and Innovation Head; Dr. Arnil C. Emata; and USTP Safety Officer, Mr. Julieto Moralde.
The Black Soldier Fly

Photo by Melissa Agawin, SPME Technical Writer
The exhibit on the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) shows its potential to be the solution for the city’s growing waste management concerns. Student exhibitors piqued the interest of city hall representatives as they showcased the insect’s rapid ability to break down food waste compared to other composting methods while producing natural animal feed and fertilizer.
Cagayan de Oro, like any other global city, currently has mounting concerns regarding its waste management system. With the city sanitary landfill filling up, representatives from city hall eagerly listened to the benefits of using the Black Soldier Fly as the potential sustainable blueprint for waste management.
The black soldier fly is a harmless insect compared to the common pests we know as house flies. BSF has been discovered to have numerous benefits in most stages of its life cycle. As a larva, it can be used as a healthy feed for animals. It eats almost any kind of food waste and the frass it produces can be used as compost. City Administrator Atty. Roy Raagas hopes to endorse such a sustainable solution to the waste management system of Cagayan de Oro City.

Photo by Melissa Agawin, SPME Technical Writer
City officials engaged in the traffic management system of Cagayan de Oro listened to the presentation of students on ATLAS, a program they created that could lead to more efficient traffic lights. The recent technology could help the Roads and Traffic Administration (RTA) in creating a system for traffic lights that could determine the best time for lights to go red, yellow, and green.
The technology can also identify and record the types of vehicles that pass the road—data that could help the administration create better plans for shorter and more efficient travel. The exhibit opened a conversation between students and city leaders on the use of technology for innovative city solutions.

Photo by Melissa Agawin, SPME Technical Writer
Finally, an exhibit on NTC-Edge – an app that enables one to access all services by the National Telecommunications Commission – was presented to government officials. The new app could be the solution to the current problems of in-person accessing government services, bringing such services to the citizen’s homes. The presentation was led by NTC Regional Director, Mr. Ted Buenavista.
The National Telecommunications Commission Electronic Data Governance and Evaluation System (NTC-EDGE) is a multi-platform app that allows users to apply and request for licenses, permits, certifications, and complaints in a shorter time, with lesser cost, and increased efficiency. With the app, citizens no longer need to travel to designated NTC offices, cutting the cost and time needed to avail of such services. NTC-EDGE is also a cheaper alternative to current similar online platforms.

Photo by Melissa Agawin, SPME Technical Writer
The scientific exhibits of the bright minds of USTP have opened a conversation on the importance of giving new ideas the opportunity to manifest into new technologies and solutions. The three exhibits are just some of the many new solutions discovered and created by USTP innovators and researchers. The visitation of executive city government officials has given such solutions a chance to be implemented, ultimately benefiting the city.
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines continues to showcase its expertise in creating an environment that fosters growth in creativity and innovation in students, faculty, and the community.