USTP conducts hybrid ISO 9001:2015 internal quality audit
By Jomerl I. Gomez, USTP System STRATCOMM
The USTP System aims to become a nationally recognized science and technology university that contributes to the attainment of sustainable development and inclusive economic growth in the country and the world. Thus, as part of its commitment to provide its stakeholders with excellent and continually improved quality human resources and services that adhere to statutory and regulatory requirements, the University started conducting its first internal quality audit for CY 2022 on May 10, 2022.
It will be the University’s sixth internal audit since its first ISO certification in 2015 and the second for the satellite campuses.
During the opening program, Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura II, USTP System President, expressed the importance of an audit because it allows the University to “identify the areas that still need improvement,” thereby helping usher in continuous development.

Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura II, USTP System President, gives a speech during the virtual opening meeting
President Cultura also invited everyone to “sustain the same momentum and continuously seek room for improvement for us to provide all our stakeholders with quality and excellent education and services.”
The hybrid internal quality audits will run from May 10 to 13, 2022, and commence on May 16, 2022. It is spearheaded by Dr. Nueva D. Salaan, Internal Lead Auditor for the USTP Claveria, USTP Jasaan, USTP Villanueva, and USTP Balubal, and Prof. Consorcio S. Namoco, Jr., Internal Lead Auditor for the USTP System, USTP CDO, USTP Oroquieta, USTP Panaon, and USTP Alubijid.

Dr. Nueva D. Salaan, Internal Lead Auditor, talks about the objectives and scope of the internal quality audit, where she touched on the 3Ps of the internal quality audit process — People, Practice, and Paper
The audit aims to define a system for planning, conducting, reporting, and monitoring the university’s activities. It also seeks to accurately validate the conformance of the USTP System and its campuses to the various Quality Management System (QMS) requirements indicated in the ISO 9001:2015. The audits will also determine whether the University has effectively implemented and maintained the said QMS.
The audit covers the following processes:
- Admission Processes
- Management of Learning Processes
- Graduation Processes
- Hiring Processes and Competency of Employees
- Preventive Maintenance of Facilities, Equipment, and Vehicles Processes
- Calibration of Laboratory Equipment Processes
- Support Services/ Library Processes
- Context of the Organization & other ISO clauses
- System Control Procedures
- Management Review
- Handling of Risk, Opportunity, Non-conformance, Corrective Action Report, and Feedback of Clients by the Management
- Other processes

Prof. Consorcio S. Namoco Jr., D.Eng., Internal Lead Auditor, discusses the Audit Plan for the internal quality audit
During the opening meeting, Prof. Namoco and Dr. Salaan also discussed the Audit Plans for their respective clusters. They went through the schedule for the five-day activity and introduced the designated Audit Team Members who are assigned to visit (physically or virtually) and evaluate the identified units, divisions, and offices from the different USTP campuses.
As one USTP community striving for excellence, let us all hope and strive hard for a fruitful audit process!