USTP hosts Seminar-Workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management

By Lea May N. Caburatan, USTP System STRATCOMM

The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) hosted a Seminar-Workshop on Project Development for Integrated Water Resources Management in River Basins, organized by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, on June 4, 2024 at the USTP Board Room in Cagayan de Oro. 

The event featured Dr. Orlando F. Balderama, Vice President for Research and Development, Extension and Training Program Leader, and Smart Waste Infrastructure Management (SWIM), R&D Leader of Isabela State University (ISU). Dr. Balderama shared insights into various programs and projects spearheaded by ISU, focusing on the water resources program under the SWIM R&D Center. Noteworthy initiatives highlighted included the Integrated Flood and Water Resources Management in ASEAN Basins for Sustainable Development (IFWARM) and the Sediment Evaluation and Development of Intervention (SEDI) for sustainable reservoir management. Dr. Balderama also offered valuable guidance on crafting roadmaps for project development, underscoring the importance of strategic planning in successful project execution.

Faculty from different colleges of USTP’s Claveria, Cagayan de Oro, and Alubijid campuses participated in the discussion, focusing on developing a project proposal for regional water resource management and crafting a water governance policy brief.

[Top Left] Dr. Orlando F. Balderama, VP for Research and Development, Extension and Training Program Leader, and Smart Waste Infrastructure Management (SWIM), R&D Leader of Isabela State University (ISU) and [Top Right] Dr. Consorcio S. Namoco, Jr., VP for Research and Innovation of the USTP System

Northern Mindanao, similar to Isabela province, is home to three significant river basins: the Cagayan de Oro River Basin, the Tagoloan River Basin, and the Mindanao River Basin, the largest of the three and spanning several regions. This geographical context underscores the critical need for advanced project developments in water resource management to ensure the sustainability of natural resources vital to local communities.

Dr. Balderama emphasized the necessity of interdisciplinary collaboration, combining resource experts, social scientists, and communicators to share information with stakeholders effectively.

The seminar provided valuable insights and set the stage for future activities, including the 2nd International Symposium on Integrated Flood and Sediment Management in River Basins for Sustainable Development (FSMaRT) in December 2024.