By RV Romero, USTP Oroquieta STRATCOMM

USTP Oroquieta Faculty Bryan Bocatot demonstrates how the sachets are cut and folded.
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) in Oroquieta, Misamis Occidental partnered with the Misamis Occidental Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Council (MOPADAC) Coordinating Office for a 3-day Plastiknology Training for selected Persons Who Used Drugs (PWUDs) in the Municipality of Jimenez. The training was held at the Jimenez Gymnasium last August 5, 6, and 9, 2021. There were thirty (30) participants including the relatives of the PWUDs. Minimum health protocols were observed during the training sessions.
The training was conducted through a combination of face-to-face actual demonstration and presentation of the step-by-step process in recorded videos on a wide screen.
Some volunteer faculty from the campus also assisted in making the pots.

The participants display their output for the three-day event.
The participants were taught from sanitation, sorting, cutting, and folding to putting together flowerpots. The materials come from recycled common household plastics. The recycling of materials into home crafts has the potential to be a reliable source of living. The proposed marketing strategy will be the online selling of flowerpots. The finished products will sell for 100 to 200 pesos each.
Lead trainer Ma. Liberty B. Doncillo thanked the Local Government of the Municipality of Jimenez, coordinators, speakers, and all the participants for their cooperation and dedication in producing flowerpots out of plastic waste.
The participants expressed that aside from “may pera sa basura” they can also share Plastiknology with the youth at the same time help the environment.
USTP Oroquieta’s Extension Department and the Office of the Provincial Government of Misamis Occidental have been collaborating to extend livelihood training to the residents of Misamis Occidental.