USTP Panaon CCIR holds Career Tools Preparation for Graduating Students
By Judielyn L. Cualbar, USTP Panaon CCIR Coordinator
The Career Center and Industry Relations (CCIR) of the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) Panaon conducted the World of Work 101: Senior Edition Series titled Career Tools Preparation last June 15, 2022, for all graduating students. It was followed by a series of mock job interviews on June 16-17, 2022, which was done in coordination with the CCIR of USTP Cagayan de Oro.
One hundred fifty-five (155) students attended the lecture on the first day of the activity via Zoom. Mr. Mark Arcilla, faculty of the Marine Biology Department of USTP Panaon and one of the panelists for the mock job interview, welcomed the participants before Dr. Leny Q. Añasco, Acting Campus Director of USTP Panaon, gave the graduating students an overview of the program.
Mr. Giancarlo Elbamo, LPT, then delivered his talk on career tool preparations, including how graduating students should write their resumes and cover letters and how they can prepare for interviews.

The students who participated in the activity were able to generate their resumes via USTPLink. They were also able to write a cover letter before their simulated job interview.

On the second day, graduating Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLED) Home Economics (HE) and Industrial Arts (IA) students participated in a simulated job interview with a panel of interviewers including the BTLED Chair Ms. Mary Jane A. Moralia, BTLED Instructor Ms. Mary Cris J. Gemoros, and USTP Panaon Acting Campus Director Dr. Leny Q. Añasco.
The BTLED Instructor, Mr. Jed Anthony A. Ceballos, Grow eCommerce Data Processing Services Operations Manager, Mr. Anju Lambert Abad, and the General Manager, Mr. RJ Raymund Timtim, also served as the interviewers for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) students, who took part in the mock job interview.

The Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology (BSMB) students also participated in the mock job interview on the third day. Their panel of interviewers included Acting Campus Director Dr. Leny Q. Anasco, Admin Head Mr. Celso C. Almirol, BSMB Chair Ms. Liza H. Calvis, English Instructor Ms. Ivy Marie P. Maquidato, and BSMB Instructors Mr. Mark L. Arcilla, Ms. Joymae M. Eltagon, and Mr. Jared S. Gomonit.

All graduating students who participated in the activity received feedback and tips from the panel of interviewers on how to prepare themselves for an interview in the future.