USTP Panaon jumpstarts AY 2023-2024 with InSeT
By Engr. Mark Rey Z. Embodo, CiTL Coordinator
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) in Panaon, Misamis Occidental, conducted a two-day In-Service Training (InSeT) for all its faculty for the 1st Semester of SY 2023-2024, last August 29–30, 2023, at the University Training Center. The InSeT’s primary goal is to keep the teachers up to date with all the necessary deliverables needed to support the upcoming academic year.

Annielyn P. Lasagas, Head of Academic Affairs, was tasked to present USTP’s Academic Policy and the Documented Procedures Manual with the corresponding forms. The presentation reminded the continuing faculty to follow the different academic procedures perpetually. Newly hired faculty was also acquainted with the existing academic procedures.
Luis G. Cadiz III discussed the critical points in Creating an Effective Syllabus. The discussion emphasized the Course Outcomes, Teaching Learning Activities, and Assessment Tools.
In addition, Engr. Melinda F. Oculam, a Marine Biology Instructor, imparted her invaluable insights and expertise to all faculty members of the USTP Panaon on Creating Rubrics and Table of Specifications. After the discussion, all faculty members, together with their respective departments, were required to present their workshop output.

Dr. Leny Q. Añasco, Acting Campus Director of the USTP Panaon, discussed Test Questionnaire Construction using Bloom’s Taxonomy. The faculty members also presented their workshop output with corresponding cognitive levels. During the presentation, Dr. Añasco critiqued the output of the representatives and imparted basic ideas and concepts to enhance the test questionnaire.

PRISMS and HRIS were presented to the participants by Kristine Joy M. Apolinar, Information Communication Technology (ICT) Coordinator. Glyza Mae T. Lomo, Campus Nurse, also presented HIMS. These platforms require a lot of knowledge and training for the faculty members to utilize and apply them in future use.

In the last training session, Christopher R. Balaba, a faculty member of the Department of Technology and Livelihood Education (DTLED), shared his valuable experience and expertise in Designing Assessments of Learning in Creating Performance Tasks and a Multi-Disciplinary Project Using SCRAP and GRASPS. The said presentation aided instructors in developing and delivering a more defined and engaging performance task to the students.

Forty-two (42) faculty members who completed the training received a Certificate of Completion. The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CiTL) Coordinator, Engr. Mark Rey Z. Embodo spearheaded the In-Service Training.