By Diane Therese C. Esmade, USTP System STRATCOMM
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) through the College of Science and Mathematics of USTP Cagayan de Oro expands its international activities and exchange program specifically with the Department of Food Science and Technology and the Department of Chemistry.
An e-session on international internship and educational cooperation was conducted via Zoom on September 15, 2021, with officials from USTP, representatives of GALAB Laboratories and Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany, and the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BS Chem) and Bachelor of Science in Food Technology (BSFT) students of USTP Cagayan de Oro.
The exchange program is in partnership with GALAB Laboratories and Hamburg University of Applied Sciences which will house two (2) qualified student interns from USTP for six (6) months.
Hamburg is Germany’s second-largest city and is an industrial center. It is where Germany’s biggest port is located and is known to be one of the World’s Most Beautiful Cities.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Wegmann, International Coordinator and Professor for Marketing of Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, gives an overview of studying at HAW Hamburg
GALAB Laboratories expressed their support for this program by taking care of all the travel expenses, costs of living, and additional pocket money for the student interns in Germany. Aside from that, the interns could also experience student life and take part in lectures in selected English-taught classes at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.
GALAB Laboratories is an independent service laboratory for external quality control. They analyze and evaluate food, food packaging, sanitary products, industrial products, biopharmaceutical products, or the environment for substances or contaminants.

Open forum with representatives of USTP, GALAB Laboratories and HAW Hamburg
Application for the exchange program is ongoing for qualified fourth-year BS Chem and BSFT students of USTP Cagayan de Oro.
This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for USTP students will let them experience state-of-the-art facilities and fascinating worlds of work and gain insights into various areas of the laboratory that will significantly help them in their academic knowledge and future career.