USTP SHS Juario and Sadora reach Regional Athletic 2023
Jessa Mae Sardan, USTP SHS Faculty
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines – Senior High School (USTP SHS) bested the Cagayan de Oro City National High School (CDONHS), 8-0, in the Division Meet Lawn Tennis Singles – Secondary Girls on March 25, 2023, at the Nazareth Lawn Tennis Courts (NLTC) in Cagayan de Oro City.

Student-athlete Glee Juario outlasted her opponent in a pro set, 8-0, giving no opportunity to reach the Regional Athletic Meet. Juario will represent Cagayan de Oro City in the Northern Mindanao Regional Athletic Association (NMRAA) Meet on May 5-7, 2023, at Gingoog City.

Fellow singles player, Alexandra Dumotan, enthralled the audience with her tenacity and sportsmanship throughout the match, leading to an 8-10 point match break against her opponent. Despite the defeat, Dumotan won the respect of her opponent and spectators.

On the other hand, Bethel Sadora won the Table Tennis Division Athletic Meet in a 4-game set. Sadora will join Juario in the Regional Athletic Meet.
The Senior High School Department congratulates the student-athletes for representing the university in the Division Athletic Meet moving forward to the Regional Athletic Meet.