USTP welcomes MSU-IIT, Deakin University for research symposium addressing hateful extremism in Mindanao
By Kristine Jane M. Laid, USTP System STRATCOMM
The University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) welcomed Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) and Deakin University to a research symposium about exploring responses to address violent and hateful extremism by international development-humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Mindanao. The event was held at the USTP Boardroom, USTP CDO, on March 6, 2024.

The research symposium, organized by the MSU-IIT and Deakin University, talked about ways where it can meaningfully contribute to peacebuilding, especially in Mindanao. Academics and practitioners working on conflict and peacebuilding in Mindanao, including development NGO staff providing conflict analysis and advice, attended the symposium.

During the symposium, the project team presented preliminary conflict analysis findings for discussion. They also covered presentations and papers on Mindanao conflict analysis, challenges, best practices, and case studies related to violent extremism.
Among the topics discussed include the Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) framework, a model highlighting a need for more holistic approaches, such as community-based preventative activities. The P/CVE framework focuses on activities, including strengthening social cohesion, community resilience, peacebuilding, sustainable development, and increasing socioeconomic opportunity, addressing inequality, marginalization, discrimination, and human rights, thus appearing to be a natural fit for NGOs.

The event also discussed proposals of broadening ideas and focus to respond and address Violent and Hateful Extremism (VHE).