About the Program
The Bachelor of Science in Electro-Mechanical Technology (BSEMT) is designed to teach students the theory and application of a broad range of electrical, mechanical, computer, control and instrumentation technologies that are used in the industrial automation and manufacturing setting.
Program Outcomes
After three to five (3-5) years, graduates of BS in Electro — Mechanical Technology are:
1. Holistic persons who are recognized experts in electro-
mechanical technology and productive members of the society with active engagement in solving social, economic and environmental related problems.
2. Competent professionals who are leaders or members of multidisciplinary and multicultural teams in the field of electro-mechanical technology embodied with proper attitudes and values towards work and the society.
3. Goal-oriented professionals who are constantly adapting to the
changing industrial automation trends and users of pro-environmental manufacturing technologies for global competitiveness.
Program Educational Objectives
Demonstrate innovative and critical thinking in the application and integration of knowledge in mathematics and science to solve technology and engineering problems through defined and applied systems to justify the appropriateness of the solution, both tangible and intangible new ideas or ways of approaching things to create possibilities and opportunities.
Identify, formulate, analyze and solve broadly-defined technology and engineering problems through analytical tools and application of knowledge of diversity and multicultural competencies to promote equity and social justice in the community through shared responsibility for collaborative work and valuing the individual contributions made by each team member.
Design a system, component, or process to meet the desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance to standards and work collaboratively and respectfully as member and leader of diverse team and community in sustainable development.
Conduct investigations, design and experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data responsibly and sustainably on current economic demands at local, national and global levels in the face of adverse circumstances and uncertainties
Demonstrate expertise and articulate views, thoughts and ideas effectively using modern enabling technology and engineering tools necessary for the practice in a specialized discipline of study.
Communicate ideas clearly through knowledge of contemporary issues in the development of quality human capital, technology solutions and enterprise to engage in independent and life-long learning at local, national, and global levels.