Co-Curricular Student Organizations

Junior Social Workers’ Association of the Philippines
JSWAP- Juniors Social Workers’ association of the Philippines is the student chapter of the National Association for Social Work Education, Inc., an organization that is dedicated to the pursuit of honor and excellence in the field of Social work. In USTP-Claveria, Junior Social Workers’ Association of the Philippines is a student government- organization, consisting of 12 members from President to Peace officers and accompanied with 6 representatives. It was introduced in the University by Ms. Jasmin P. Moner, a registered Social worker, and also a JSWAP irregular adviser. The officers in this organization are obliged to lead their co-social work students in order to create connections to establish camaraderie in the social work course.

Council of Arts and Sciences Students (CASS)
A newly created organization in USTP Claveria Campus, this organization is a mother organization of CAS Department. This organization was formed last September year 2020 and it has 3 advisers. The Council of Arts of Sciences Students shall organize, coordinate and design activities to improve the general welfare of the students, as well as to prepare them to be responsible and pro-active individual, protect the students’ rights, hall assist and participate in the formulation and implementation of the administrative policies in matters affecting the student through representation to the Administrative Council and to the Board of Trustees (BOT) and in the implementing bodies of the university.

Society of Environmental Engineers Student Chapter Inc. (SEESCI)
The Society of Environmental Engineers Student Chapter Inc. (SEESCI) is an organization for the BSEnE students enrolled in USTP Claveria. It was established on the year 2002, with a purpose which is to unify and create a bond for the students, to show what the program is about and to encourage the students to pursue excellence.

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Students Society (ABESS)
The Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Students Society (ABESS)- USTP Claveria is an organization of USTP students taking BSABE program. It enclosed the integrity and the holistic aspiration through a collective effort of nurturing each member. To aid the concerns of our colleagues with whom we share our common interests in the field of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and thus we aspire to promote the general welfare of our members that shall embody our ideals, preserve the prestigious dignity of the service. It conformed to the mantra of bayaw, ” ABE lang sakalam.”

Agriculture Student Council
Agriculture Student Council is the mother organization of the College of Agriculture of USTP-Claveria. It covers sub-organizations which are tended for each agricultural course program under the College of Agriculture.